to hide the args of your command, there are several tricks
aside from the 'overhaul the kernel' approach--

1) write a script to do the deed & supply the args, and call it
   as your command; then your command-line will only be the script name.
   set (restrict) permissions as needed on the script file.

2) use variables (not very secure) or aliases (even less secure):
   % set cmd='mysql -umyself -ptryagain db'
   % $cmd

3) if the command has a dotfile option (as in ~/.mysqlrc) then put
   your sensitive stuff there and restrict privileges on that file.

... there are probably other ways as well, each with its own
pitfalls. tinker around, scan the manpages, see what you come 
up with.

problem is, linux/unix was designed with information sharing--not
information barricaded in a subterranean hermetically-sealed vault--as
a primary goal. unfortunately it's a bit against our nature, just
yet, to be open as linux is. ("*my* user list! mine! mine!")

maybe someday...

Their is five errers in this sentance.

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