On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 03:21:32AM -0700, Eric Hagglund wrote:
> > First of all I would like to say your kernel is
> > qoute ols, my
> > suggestion: compile a new one!
> I will take that under advisement. I don't normally
> like to reinvent the weel just to get a new hubcap
> though .
> I know a little dramatic, but if it ain't broke, why
> fix it? Is there something wrong with the 2.0.36
> kernel that I should know about?

2.0.36 has proved its mettle for quite some time. I suspect this is

> > Second (more towards your problem) is why you can't
> > open more than 1
> > x11amp application, my guess is that when you open
> > one, it takes your
> > soundcard (simply because it needs it to
> > function...), when you open a
> > seconds (by the way: Why do you want to???!)
> The reason I discovered this problem is not because I
> wanted to run more than a single instance of the same
> program, but because I was trying to run other
> programs (gmc, gnome-napster) that wanted to use it
> concurently and could not, even though I wasn't using
> the sound when running them. Moreover, I found that
> once I had started one of these other programs, I was
> unable to run x11amp after they had run, or if I had
> shut down x11amp, ran the other program and then tried
> to restart x11amp, it wouldn't run.

I think this is actually an esound problem.  The esound server grabs
the device and will multiplex it for other processes that know how to
talk to it.  The work around is to have esound release the device if
there aren't any processes asking to use it for like 2 seconds.  If you
put "esd -as 2 &" in your ~/.xsession this may solve your problem. It'll
be running, so the gnome apps won't restart it in total lockout mode.

> a bit more to the
> > point: Your soundcard can't
> > be shared OR linux can't share your soundcard.
> One device per program? No time sharing? That's a
> little neolithic, don't you think? Am I missing
> something here? 

I have a not-so-state-of-the-art cs4232 based on board sound, and I can
get multiplexing of sound streams, course, there is a mixer in there.

> Oswald mentioned that the xmms program might work
> better. Does anyone know if x11amp is still being
> maintained?

Don't know... xmms works pretty well though ;)

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