----- Forwarded message from Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Fri, 19 May 2000 10:17:31 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Martin Quinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Helix GNOME packages for Debian available for testing. (fwd)

Sorry if it floods, but did you see this mail ?

Bye, Mt.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 18 May 2000 19:35:38 -0400
From: Nat Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: gnome-announce-list@gnome.org
Subject: Helix GNOME packages for Debian available for testing.

                 Beta Release of Helix GNOME packages
                          for Debian "Woody"


    Helix GNOME was created to make the world's only free desktop
    easily accessible to everyone.  We released the first preview on
    March 6th, and included support for most of the major GNU/Linux
    distributions.  Except Debian.
    And you -- the teeming masses of Debian users -- you would not let
    us forget it!  You wrote to us from every corner of the world to
    implore us: add support for Debian!  What's wrong with you
    schmucks?  Have you forgotten us?  Do you not love us?  Your mails
    clogged our inboxes and weighed upon our hearts.  And my dog
    choked to death on a hardcopy of one of them.
    We have heard your call and finally, we have answered.
    Helix GNOME packages for Debian are now ready for testing.  This
    is a beta release of the Debian packages, and not an official,
    supported version.  We have worked hard to support Debian as best
    we can, and now we need your help to get them battle-tested.
    At this point, packages are only built for the unstable (woody)
    distribution, on the i386 architecture.  These packages may or may
    not work on frozen -- we would appreciate feedback if people want
    to try that.  We will be expanding the extent of our Debian
    support in the near future to include the stable distribution and
    Corel Linux (based on the stable Debian release).

    A lot of work has gone into making sure that these packages
    conform to Debian Policy.  We really want to do this right.  In
    particular, we want all of our packages to be lintian clean.  If
    you find a policy violation in a Helix GNOME package, it's a bug.
    Please report it, and it will be fixed, stat.  Heh.  "Stat" is
    such a funny word.


    The Helix GNOME Debian packages can be installed through apt.  Add
    the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main
    We are providing two task- packages. task-helix-core provides the
    core functionality of Helix GNOME, and task-helix-gnome installs
    all the applications.  If you don't want to use these, upgrading
    from a previously installed set of Debian GNOME packages should
    work fine.  If you do that, take note that most of the panel
    applets have moved out to gnome-applets.  You will probably want
    to install that if you have the panel installed.
    So once you add the above line to /etc/apt/sources.list you must

            apt-get update

    Once you have retrieved the updated package list you can install
    in one of two main ways.  If you are a new GNOME user you can run:

            apt-get install task-helix-gnome

    If you are upgrading a current GNOME system you may want to run:

            apt-get dist-upgrade
    There is also an apt source archive:

    deb-src http://spidermonkey.helixcode.com/distributions/debian unstable main

    The release of Helix GNOME Preview 2 should include support for
    Debian in the Helix installer.


    The purpose of this release is to make the Debian support as good
    as possible.  We want our packages to be so perfect, they become
    pure energy and merge with the omniverse.  We want these packages
    to be both transcendent and imminent.  And we need your help.

    In particular, we'd like to know about any problems in the

            * The upgrade path from installations using the Debian
              GNOME packages.  We have done some initial testing of
              this, but we're not sure that it works in all
              situations.  So, weirdos running old versions, tell us
              how it works on your systems!

           * Fresh installations with the Helix GNOME packages.

           * Debian Policy violations.

    Of course, you should also report any bugs in the software that
    we're shipping.  GNOME to the max, baby.

    Bugs can be reported at the Helix Code bug tracking system:
    Instructions can be found there for reporting problems.  For those
    who already know how to use the Debian bug tracking system, ours
    is a fairly standard installation of Debbugs.  The submission
    address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Additionally, the bug-buddy tool can be used to report bugs, as
    described on the http://bugs.helixcode.com/ web page.


    Thanks to the thousands of people who have made GNOME what it is
    today.  Thanks also to the Debian team for building such a great
    distribution.  The following people make up the Debian packaging
    team at Helix Code.  A big round of applause for these sleepless

        Peter Teichman     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
                Helix GNOME Debian packaging leader.  Checked and
                lintian'd and updated all the packages.

        Mike Whitson       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Helix GNOME Debian packager.  Responsible for taking
                the packages live.

        Arik Devens        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                The power behind the throne.  Coordinated the release
                effort in the final week.

        Joe Shaw           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Author, Helix GNOME installer/updater.  Built all the
                original packages.

        Jacob Berkman      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
                Helix GNOME packaging lead.

        Rupert the monkey  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                Chief micturator.  Moral support.


    Helix Code is a free software company.  Our raison d'etre is to
    deploy high-quality free software to billions of people.  All our
    development is done in the open and we do everything we can to be
    a good, contributing member of the community.  And we really
    believe in Debian.  Nearly half the Helix Code staff are Debian
    users, and so we're strongly motivated to support Debian.  Until
    recently, however, we haven't had the manpower to do it.  So
    please accept our apology for the lateness of this release.  And
    let us know if there's anything we can do to improve the state of
    our Debian support.

gnome-announce-list mailing list

----- End forwarded message -----

see shy jo

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