On Sat, May 20, 2000 at 10:26:10AM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
> equiv is helpful!
  ^^^^^ <--- this should be equivs
> Is it best that Debian packages are parallel to all of these various 
> outside universes? Or is there a way that a Debian package can just grab 
> the lastest from SUn, and then note that you now have it?

I guess it depends upon how close you want to stay to the bleeding edge.
For me, tracking the unstable distribution for packages which I am in
keeps me close enough. Most of the Debian developers do a pretty good 
job of keeping up with the upstream releases, and if there's a lag it 
is frequently because there are difficulties in getting the package to
work with the overall Debian distribution. In that case I am perfectly
happy letting the developers get all of the kinks worked out.  

I suppose if you are the type who gets source straight out of CVS 
to compile it you could put something in your makefile to keep equivs 


Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

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