On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 22:05:57 +0530
"Jeetu Golani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Hey guys,
| I know someone on this list warned me to wait for sometime before upgrading to KDE 
|3.1 however...wat can I say.....am an impatient fool :)
| Anyways, I removed my old version of KDE :(.....and I then added the following to my 
|apt sources.list file
| deb http://download.kde.org/pub/stable/3.1/Debian stable main 
| An apt-get update followed with an apt-get install kdebase now says "404 Not found" 
|for each of the required files.
| I've tried various other source lines for sources.list. I can see the files on these 
|URL's through Konqueror and the apt-get update runs successfully however I get 
|similar errors from every source line I've used.
| Consequently I can't use KDE anymore and am writing this mail from 
|Windows.....really need to get KDE up :(....please help.
| Thanks
I founded this in previaous messages :
deb http://wh9.tu-dresden.de/kde3/karolina ./
deb-src http://wh9.tu-dresden.de/kde3/karolina ./
If this can help

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