Hello everyone,
               I am re-posting this as no one seemed to be able to answer
this the first time. If the worst comes to the worst I'll have to
install 2.1r4.

Thanks and regards JohnG

Hello everyone,
               I am running potato with kernel 2.2.15 installed. Whatever
I do I cannot get ppp to connect to the local RAS server. Another box
running 2.1r4 works perfectly. I have re-built the kernel several times
and stripped out ppp and pppconfig and re-installed. Still I get the same
error on connect. Can anyone help? Part of ppp connect from syslog shown

May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: send (ATZ^M)
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: expect (OK)
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: ATZ^M^M
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: OK
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]:  -- got it
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: send (ATDT3193^M)
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: expect (CONNECT)
May 18 17:31:50 heman chat[667]: ^M
May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]: ATDT3193^M^M
May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]: CONNECT
May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]:  -- got it
May 18 17:32:16 heman chat[667]: send (\d)
May 18 17:32:17 heman pppd[666]: Serial connection established.
May 18 17:32:17 heman pppd[666]: Using interface ppp0
May 18 17:32:17 heman pppd[666]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyS1
May 18 17:32:18 heman pppd[666]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 <asyncmap 0x0>
<magic 0xe7f3fcfa> <pcomp> <accomp>]
May 18 17:32:45 heman last message repeated 9 times
May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: Connection terminated.
May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 18 17:32:48 heman pppd[666]: Exit.                

Thanks and best regards JohnG

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