I'm interested in implementing some form of spam and e-mail virus filtering
at the daemon.

I know that there are blacklists that you can have Exim and other MTA's use
in order to cut down on spam. However, it would be nice if there were some
way to stop *new* spam from places that aren't on the blacklists yet.

I guess it's just easier to post my whole wishlist and see if there's
anything out there like it:

 o It would be nice if it could be implemented either at the system-wide
level (on the daemon) or on a per-user level (via procmail, say).

 o Also, it would be *really* nice if it could use some very-often-updated
list of known spam, so that, as soon as one person reports it as spam to the
entity maintaining the list, then the rest of the servers out there would
know about it within, say, a couple of hours. Having it also be able to spot
e-mail viruses would be a plus, too.

 o If it *did* find some suspected spam or virus, it would avoid placing it
in user's inbox and, instead, insert a message stating that a suspected
virus or spam was caught. Additionally, it should be able to place the
suspected messages in some mail folder like "spam" or something so that the
user can go look to see if it was possibly legitimate.

Anything out there like this yet?

- Joe

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