> apt-get upgrade tried to upgrade my kernel image. I moved 2.2.15-idepci
> to .old and apt installed a new image but now when lilo tries to boot
> off the hard drive it complains that /vmlinuz is missing.

   Yes, you've got exactly the idea -- recreate the vmlinuz symbolic link.

   As you've probably deduced, /vmlinuz is just a symbolic link pointing to
the "real" kernel file which is located in /boot.

   As root, do the following:

"cd /" (make sure we're in the root directory.

"rm vmlinuz" (delete the old symbolic link because it's probably broken;
we're going to recreate the symbolic link below anyway)

"ln -s boot/2.2.15-idepci vmlinuz" (recreate the symbolic link; this of
course will differ depending on what your kernel in /boot is named)

"liloconfig" (run liloconfig so that lilo knows about the new kernel and can
boot it)

 Regards, | "The ultimate result is that some innovations that would 
 .        | truly benefit consumers never occur for the sole reason
 Randy    | that they do not coincide with Microsoft's self-interest."
          | -- Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, U.S. District Judge

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