>It seems you have made logical partitions for your Linux
>install, and IIRC,

        IIRC is a computer-related acronym or is similar to things like IMHO?

> linux fdisk and dos fdisk do not agree how
>to handle logical partitions. This could account for the fact
>that dos thinks there's no logical partitions defined 

>I think you might need to make both your linux and your dos
>part's as "real" (primary & extended) partitions to get this
>working?! (I'm not even sure if this is possible; running pure
>Linux on my boxes ;-)

        Mmm... Are you referring to change the Linux part from extended to
primary? It seems an interesting solution, but I think it might be

        The astonishing fact is that if the info provided by DOS fdisk was
coherent with a "dir" command under DOS, it would just show the 100 Mb.

|       Primary partition: 100 Mb
|       Extended partition: 1Gb with logical partitions. Would you like to see
|the info on logical partitions? (Y)
|       No logical partitions defined. Total size of extended DOS partition:
|1051 Mb

>Need more info on that one. Sounds like one of those strange
>things that can happen 
>when combining new and old hardware :-| (hehehehe, Linux

        I solved it, thanks. Don't waste your time, please. 

>Be very careful with Norton. Has been known to do nasty things
>to ext2-fs' and fat's. (oh sweet reminiscence of the DOS-days


>One last thing: Try getting a bios-update for your old
>computer; I've had much succes on my own old 486/100 (now
>being reconf'ed for server use). 

        Well... Winter (the name of that 486) has not costed a buck at this time
(oh yeah, it costed 200 pessetes, 1$, for the power switch). Let it
continue with that way. :)

        Thank you again, Vitux.


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