>>>>> "Carel" == Carel Fellinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Carel> And to really speed up things, you could even use the -vanilla flag
    Carel> next to -nw to tell xemacs to forget about all those nifty packages
    Carel> that take all this time to load.

 Better to let it load it all up... have a sip of coffee and think
 about what edits you are going to make or something.  Once it's
 running, using `gnuclient' is instant.

 `XG_INITIAL_XEMACS_ARGS=-unmapped xg' <-- panel launcher button

;; `.emacs' (or .xemacs/init.el if you're set up that way)
(when (member "-unmapped" command-line-args)
  (add-hook 'gnuserv-init-hook
            #'(lambda ()
                (popup-dialog-box '("XEmacs is ready" ["Ok" nil])))))

 # .profile
 export EDITOR=xg

Attachment: xg
Description: Binary data

PNG image

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