>Netscape is driving me nuts.
>I'm running 2.2 unstable (woody), with 

(potato will be 2.2, woody will be 2.3 or 3.0 I guess, despite what
/etc/debian_version still says ...)

>    Package: navigator-smotif-461
>    Status: install ok installed
>    Source: netscape4.61
>    Version: 4.61-11
>Recently (within the past week), Netscape has become even more unstable
>than usual, crashing when cycling through windows, raising or lowering
>windows, or other actions.  I have both java and javascript disabled as
>they typically lead to similar behavior.

Have a look at navigator-smotif-473, which is the latest version.
Netscape is pretty hard to debug (grr, need source code ...), but
upgrading to the current version might make sense if you're experiencing
severe instability.

>Window manager is WindowMaker: 
>    Package: wmaker
>    Version: 0.61.1-4

My roommate uses WindowMaker on woody and either 4.72 or 4.73 (can't
remember) and he hasn't commented on any such problems, so that might

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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