On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just did a potato update on my notebook and afterwards I couldn't
> connect to my ISP with pon/poff. pppconfig doesn't recognize my
> cardmodem anymore which used to be /dev/ttyS1. I reinstalled pcmcia
> support, but to no avail.  I noticed setserial was updated, so
> what's up with that? Or is it something else? Please help because
> without my modem I can't install new software.  Thanks, Hans

Yes, it seems to be kind of a common problem -- I hope it will be
fixed for the final release of potato.  After loading your card,
execute (as root):
    IRQ=$(setserial /dev/$DEVICE | sed -e 's/^.*IRQ: //')
    setserial /dev/$DEVICE irq 0
    setserial /dev/$DEVICE irq $IRQ
If that works (i.e., your modem is detected -- use minicom), I suggest
you modify /etc/pcmcia/serial accordingly or (easier) update to
pcmcia-cs 3.1.14-1 (in woody).

Good luck,

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