hi ya

yeah....and luckily... /usr is already backed up on cdrom...
just need to update the missing files/bins/libs  ( i hope it works ? )...
and than apply your new apps/patches ??
        i like /usr/src to be in a separate partition
        that is backed up or mirrored... all clients 
        mount /usr/src (ro) to minimize duplication of stuff

we all did rm -rf / at MOST once i hope...eheheeh

"experience" is the best teacher...many lessons to learn
from rm -R 'anything" or rm -rf or ....

c ya

On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Colin Watson wrote:

> >i am a new debian user and i just learned a hard lesson.  I guess it is
> >a bad idea to issue the following command:
> >
> >rm -R /usr/
> >
> >i try to look at the bright side, you know make lemonade and all that,
> >so at least i get a new system as a result of my bonehead mistake. 
> >Hopefully i will make different, and yet equally idiotic mistakes in the
> >future.
> Hmm. Bad luck there. At least it wasn't /, so you get to keep /home. The
> mind boggles as to how much I'd lose if I zapped that and didn't have
> backups ...

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