First off, thanks to both of you for replying...and making me feel
dumb.  Even after reading all the documentation and all the config files
and SEEING that the mouse wheel was represented as buttons 4 & 5, I
never thought about changing the number of buttons in XF86Config to 5. 

Unfortunately, it didn't work.  Here's the MODIFIED section of my

Section "Pointer"
   Protocol        "IMPS/2"
   Device          "/dev/psaux"
   Resolution      200
   Buttons         5
   ZAxisMapping    4 5

I *think* I've checked everything else.  I copied & pasted the Netscape
entry from the aforementioned wheel mouse page into my .Xresources again
just to be dice.  I then tried copying THAT over to
/etc/X11/Xresources/netscape to see if it would do anything...but it
didn't.  I even tried running imwheel again with it's default
configuration to no avail.  Suddenly I'm REALLY missing the days when
I'd use console mode exclusively.

I am again, in a word, stumped.  Any further help would be greatly
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   []   Bababooey Dragon   []  <-==UDIC==->
"The stupider it looks, the more important it probably is."
                 -- J. R. "Bob" Dobbs --
Babylon Five Addict [] DEVOlved [] Dirty old man in training

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