On Thu, Jun 29, 2000 at 10:10:56PM -0400, S.Salman Ahmed wrote:

> and now mail to root/[EMAIL PROTECTED] is correctly forwarded to me. Thanks
> for the suggestion. I am surprised this wasn't in the Postfix FAQ.

I've got suspicion that mydomain was set to "phoenix".

> Another thing I noticed in my logs is the following postfix-related
> message:

> Jun 29 21:52:57 phoenix postfix/local[2536]: warning: biff_notify: Connection 
> refused

> What is biff_notify() and how can I disable this so that this message
> doesn't fill up my logs ?

It's one of the mechanisms used for "you've got mail" notifications.
IIRC there's a "biff" option you can set to stop Postfix trying to do
this kind of notification, but I could be wrong.

> Lastly, is there anything else that can/should be done to secure Postfix
> on a dialup system ? I have already closed my system to any outside
> access using tcp_wrappers. Should I be concerned with any smtp-relaying
> issues since Postfix is running on my system ?

Postfix is pretty secure by default.  You could always firewall out any
incoming connections on port 25, but if you don't want to worry about
firewalling I wouldn't worry too much.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
EUFS        http://www.eusa.ed.ac.uk/societies/filmsoc/

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