So it sounds like there are files containing
pre-defined information for making /dev entries.
I would therefore conclude that it knows that 
"lp3" would be a printer port and configures 
it accordingly.

That helps immensely, thank you

I would presume that to learn more about this 
subject I would have to delve into kernel
construction. I should count my blessings
that it was made this easy.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 07 July, 2000 11:45 AM
To: Walter Williams
Cc: Debian ListServer (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Making new "/dev" entries

On 07-Jul-2000 Walter Williams wrote:
> Just "makedev lp3"? This is the part that I am a little
> vague on. Isn't there parameters to include with this?
> How does it know how which piece of hardware it is 
> intended for? Or am I making this harder (in my head) 
> than it really is? 
> And you said FreeDSB? I'm wanting to do this in Linux.

it is MAKEDEV (all caps).  The script is in /dev and you have to be in /dev
when you run it.  MAKEDEV reads some magic files and contains some magic
so when you say 'MAKEDEV sound' it knows to make /dev/dsp, /dev/audio,
and /dev/mixer.

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