I've removed telnet from /etc/services, and also removed apache and
wu-ftpd.  I've also reconfigured exim for local delivery only.  Suddenly
my machine is unable to keep the connection to the router up, and I must
constantly force-reload the networking daemon.

Time kills it, but certain webpages (the debian search page where I
might find who's asked this before :) and services (running apt-get
update [yesterday]) kill the daemon.

I'm sure it's a simple rtfm problem (and I think I solved this years ago
with pre-1.1), but which fm?

Prof. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
Assistant Professor of Economics, Pennsylvania State University
(814) 375-4700  http://eyry.econ.iastate.edu/hawk
These opinions will not be those of Penn State until it pays my

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