I'm getting very close - sounds now work thanks to the tips below. I still
can't get music CDs to work. They will work when I log into X as root...
but that's not good.

When I start the CD player, it says:

Error accessing cdrom device.
Please check to make sure cdrom drive support is compiled into the kernel,
and that you have permission to access the device.

Reason: Permission denied

Like I said before, it will play CDs when I log into X as root. I tried
changing the group of the CD program (gtcd) to audio, since my username is
now a member of the audio group, but it still gave the same error.

Any suggestions are certainly welcome,

Eric G. Miller wrote:
>On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 09:20:39PM -0500, John Reinke wrote:
>> I've been setting up my sound, and I still don't have everything up and
>> running yet. I've noticed that the sound effects for Enlightenment won't
>> start until esd (Enlightenment sound daemon) is running, and I can only
>> start that as root. Is this because /dev/audio (and therefore esd) is only
>> accessible by root?
>As root:
>$ adduser <username> audio
>> I've had a suggestion to use groups to provide access to devices. Is this
>> the standard (and "safe") way to handle using sound for mutiple users while
>> using X? It doesn't seem that this is a common problem, so I feel I'm
>> missing something.
>> Also, I wanted to test listening to a CD, but somehow I can no longer
>> access CDs. The Debian install created /cdrom (I assume this is instead of
>> /mnt/cdrom) and there is no /dev/cdrom to mount in the first place. It says:
>> mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist
>/dev/cdrom is a symbolic link to the real device. Just create it like:
>$ ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
>You'll need to figure out which device is really your cdrom. But there
>aren't too many if it's IDE (/dev/hd[a-d] usually).
>And, yes, Debian uses /cdrom and /floppy instead of /mnt/cdrom and
>/mnt/floppy.  You can change that if you like by creating two
>directories under /mnt and then updating /etc/fstab accordingly.  Some
>Debian packages may expect the default, but I can't think of any...
>> My CD worked perfectly in a previous installation. I now am using a
>> week-old net-install of potato.
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