Dear debian-user,

After running elm (version elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+65-0.slink.0) for the
first time yesterday it created the following file in my home directory:
        drwx--S--- myusername myusername 1024 Aug 19 18:29 Mail/
which is supposed to be for incoming mail. Please note the capital S.
Furthermore there was no .elm/elmrc configuration file yesterday, but
today there were two of them: elmrc and elmrc.old ...
Now when I try to receive e-mail via fetchmail it opens the elm-display,
the incoming messages move quickly by - no chance to read them - then it
says they are "flushed" and it seems that they are gone forever...
But that's not all: After about a dozen of messages elm asks to create
a folder with a funny name which seems to be a substring of some part
of the received mail. This looks like:
        rom: "Boy George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
or similar in my home directory, which is again drwx--S--- ...
And yet some other weird stuff: I checked my elmrc configuration file
and found some options being replaced by text which seems to have been
taken from the mail. I reedited the file, ran fetchmail again, but with
the same "flushing", with elm asking me to create a "funny" folder and
with similar "funny" text entries in elmrc.

I would like to know:
- What does the capital S mean?
- How can I configure elm properly? -In the User's Guide it is said to
  run "Configure" which is presumably a shellscript but I haven't found
  it anywhere.

Please let me know, I'm really curious.
Thanks in advance,

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