Pollywog wrote:
> I am having a problem with a spammer on digital.net's network, and they
> apparently won't terminate the spammer account.  The spammer forged my e-mail
> on his spams and large numbers are bouncing back to me.
> Is there a way for me to bounce the bounces to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using an exim
> filter rule or using procmail?

That depends.  Is there a header line - *any* header line -  that you can
absolutely count on as usable as an identifier of one of these spam bounces? 
If yes, then it's quite easy to write an exim .forward rule to bounce them
elsewhere.  I was having troubles with a particular spammer - I wrote a rule
to bounce every message they sent me right back to their abuse address.

It'll go something like this:

if $header_<whatever_line_works>: contains "<that_line's_contents>"
 deliver "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
 seen finish

That's a slightly modified version of the exact rule I was using.  The
deliver line is what actually sends it on the the abuse address, and the next
line (seen finish) says to *not* do any further handling of that message.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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