On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 06:21:15PM -0700, brian moore wrote:
> Note that the "filtering" is done by fetchmail.  If you don't want
> filters, then don't specify that portion of the command line.

    Which proves my point that you need to filter from a single source.
Completely stupid.

> > >   3) Procmail, which will easily organize your email into whatever
> > > structure you see fit, with plenty of folders and subfolders for...
> Well, you need a local delivery agent.  I guess you could use 'cat', but
> since it doesn't handle file locking, it would be silly.

    No, you don't.  Later in your message you get pissy that I don't learn the
tools yet here you are telling me I need an MDA when Exim does that just fine?

> Only because you insist on being difficult.  It amazes me that in the
> three years I've seen you whining about how all mail clients are
> unworthy of you, you haven't actually bothered to figure out how to
> adapt them to your needs.

    *I* am being difficult?  I find it amazing that I have a set of tools that
works perfectly on other platforms yet when I come here and am told to do
everything the hardest way possible that *I* am the one being difficult!  Come
off it, mail, as it stands, is the one being difficult!

> The above configuration works just fine for dealing with multiple
> identities and settings.

    No, it does /NOT/.  It amazes me than in the three years you've been
reading me you still don't get it and STILL cannot come up with an acceptable

> Source speaks, not screen shots.

    Point was that people are stating they don't know what I want when I am
providing functional examples.

> If you don't like the way any mail client works, take the source and
> make it work the way you want.
> -That- is what GNU/Linux is about.

    No, that is /PART/ of what it is about.  That is not /ALL/ that it is
about.  As stated a lot of people don't code.  You have a VERY elitist
attitude when it is simply, "Do it the hard way or fuck you, learn to code."  

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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