Hi Chris:
 When the computer is booting up you should see lilo on the screen
( since it defaults to windows it should show lilo for several 
seconds and then after that it should show a message under lilo
loading windows). If you see lilo at the c prompt as the computer
loads hit shift to pause the loading of windows. Hit tab then and
lilo will give you your different options or os's you can load.
 If you don't see the lilo then you need to configure lilo's
configuration found at /etc/lilo.conf. Once you are done with
and save lilo.conf you need to run /sbin/lilo to make your new
lilo.conf work. Suggest reading man lilo, man lilo.conf for
better more in depth answers. hth  Dean

> I could not ask this one more ignorantly :-)
> How do I make LILO work, or what prompt would I see if it were?  When I
> installed Linux, I set it to boot from hard drive (making win defaul,
> however) and also made a boot floppy.  I'm stuck using the boot floppy
> because I don't know how to choose Linux.  What's the "boot:" prompt about?
> If I don't put the disk in, it goes straight to windows without any second
> thoughts, so I'm assuming I do not have LILO set up.  Where would it be, and
> how would I configure it to ask me from the start (without a boot floppy)
> which OS I want to load?  Much thanks, bye.
> -Chris
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