One of my jobs has a cable modem attached to a computer in a public demo
area.. This server has two network cards and is currently being trialled
running WinProxy.

As the machine is in a demo area - and is indeed a demo model, its
configuration is frequently stuffed by various people installing heaps of
cr** on it :)

A permanent replacement machine has been found - I'm pushing to have linux
on it.. Others want windows (I think Linux is best, as then its harder for
others to muck it up (without the root password ;-) .. I personally prefer
Debian for solutions considering the ease of installation, and the
fantastic APT command.

The problem is - the power to the computer is on a timer which is shut off
a quarter of an hour after business closing time. This cannot be worked
around - it's a large building with a centrally controlled power system.

The machine needs to be instructed to:
-Successfully log onto cable network (pretty sure is not a DOCSIS modem -
is a Motorola Cybersurfer connecting to Telstra Bigpond - which I believe
uses the "RoadRunner" login protocol (it's NOT plain DHCP)
-Power on at business opening (this could be manual I guess)
-Power off at business closing (as most staff will forget to power it off
themselves - and the unit for the most part will have no monitor or
-Provide restricted access to services to public machines (HTTP only)
-Provide unrestricted access to services + SOCKS for staff machines

Right now, each computer on the network has a statically assigned
internal, non routable IP address - I was thinking giving machines IPs via
DHCP based on MAC address, and then assigning priviledges by IP..

Thing is I've had no experience with cable modems under Linux.. Same goes
for power management. I'm rusty on IPCHAINS (but I have got the HOWTO) ..
Can nut out network drivers I think (will update kernel and pop the right
modules in).. Considering giving it its own DNS server (and possibly if I
can figure out how to do it, register internal IPs with DNS)

Hints on how to:
-Get it connected to cable with debian
-Get APM powerdown working (Pentium II class machine)
-Getting SOCKS working

I'm thinking administration via SSH would be good option - though it could
be possible to run a serial lead from the machine to one of the demo

Anthony Hogan

... The software is willing, but the flesh is weak
... If thought persists, consult your favourite lifestyle program
... If we're alone in the universe, then it's an awful waste of space

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