Nate Amsden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> not sure what kernels your using but:
> - i've never gotten MASQ to work with DNS on 2.2 i've always had to put
> a DNS on the masq machine and point machines to it instead, this was not
> the case in 2.0 where it was able to masq without any trouble.

Hmm. I'm not sure what you mean here. I have a firewall/masq machine
and I know for a fact that my main PC, which sits behind this
firewall, has no problem reaching my remote DNS servers using
masquerading (I don't currently run a DNS server myself).

> try putting a DNS on yer masq box and point everything to it.

Yikes! That's not a trivial task and it's of questionable value given
what I'm able to do, as stated above.

> Willi Dyck wrote:
> > 
> > Hi.
> > 
> > I don't understand the world (Debian)anymore.
> > As soon as I compile things like
> > - ip firewalling
> > - ip masquerading
> > - ip forwarding into the kernel, I can't ping any host by it's name.
> > I am able to ping IP's. Seems like a DNS Lookup failure. But why??
> > I didn't changed any file I only compiled the features listed above.
> > When I boot the old kernel again the problem seems to be gone.
> > WHY??? What is the logical thing here???
> > Thanx for your help.

My guess is that you've got a chain in the default rules that's
blocking DNS access. DNS access isn't a simple one to block/unblock,
if I remember correctly. Just look at the logs (/var/log/syslog) and
see if any of the output rules, with a source inside your LAN, is
being denied. Personally, if I were you I'd get PMFirewall,

And start with the rules they insert and build on that.

It's quick, asks simple questions and gets you going quickly.


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