At 16.10 3/9/00 -0700, Gutierrez Family ha escrit:
>Thanks for your advice...  but I'm having a problem running the setup
>program.  When I type "xf86setup", it doesn't recognize it as a command.
>Should it be "XF86Setup", I'm not sure about the case-sensitivity.  In what
>directory would I find it?
>Again, I appreciate your help.
>-- Daly

        All GNU/Linuxes and UNIXs are case-sensitive. I think it's "XF86Setup",
and it's a separate package. 

>In what
>directory would I find it?

        If you install it, it will be in your path, so no bother about it (nice
way to say I don't know. Newbie I am, man) :)

>Again, thanks for your support.  I wish I could say that you won't be
>hearing from me again, but it's probably NOT the case...  ;))

        If you're worrying about being too annoying, check 

        Geocrawler archive messages for Debian-User (thanks to the guy in this
list that provided the link!)

list that provided the link!)


        Debian-FAQ-O-Matic (some answers are obsolete, but inspiring)

        Lots of people have got the same problems as you. These resources are 

        Also check the documentation of the packages you have installed. If the
documentation is not found in /usr/doc (that happens sometimes)


        dpkg -x /PathOfThePackage/package.deb /tmp/ATempSubDirectory

        and look for info there. You can do this as user. No trouble for the OS.

        Using these resources (and other that other users can provide) you'll
solve a large percentage of your questions.

        Hasta luego,


 -----------------------------------------------\    ____
 From  Barcelona...                              \   \____\_______
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 Still nationalizing the LAN!                   /    \¬___/

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