Hi to all,

        After configuring DOSEMU I've started running WP5.1 for DOS there.
Everything seemed fine but it happened an event I feared. If I use WP the
CPU starts going near to 100% and this bugs me a lot, specially because I
can end hearing the laptop fan. I always needed tranquility when I was
writing short stories with it (the only use I give to WP5.1) so no good deal.

        Under Windows, I noticed the same effect with WP5.1 and other 16-bit
programs. I arrived to the conclusion that running 16-bit programs under
32-bit OS (like Debian, or NT) made this annoying event.

        The questions are:

        Am I right with my assumption?
        Can this be solved? No, isn't it?

        Corel, GPLise WP5.1! WP5.1 (don't care about others) deserves to be free
like Peter Fonda!

        Thanks for your comments and your patience, 


 -----------------------------------------------\    ____
 From  Barcelona...                              \   \____\_______
                                                 /   /     ___\_'_\
 Still nationalizing the LAN!                   /    \¬___/

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