I'm still working my way thru a first installation and am having a few

1) Using apt-get I upgraded my _working_ pcmcia (LAN) stuff. I stupidly
didn't bother configuring during the upgrade, thinking that my config file
was already built, so there was no point. Of course the latest pcmcia stuff
uses a different config method entirely--now I have no network :-(. How
configure this latest version?

2) My /var file system is out of space, mostly filled up with apt stuff. I'd
like to delete only those packages that have been successfully installed
since there are a number of things I still want to install, e.g..,
Enlightenment, etc. How???

3) How do I keep X from automatically coming up when I boot? I'd much prefer
to bring it up as neded with 'startx'.

Many thanks,


Jim Anderson
212 723-3244
Salomon Smith Barney

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