Yesterday I had to install Win2000; while I suspected that it would
overwrite the MBR (where lilo lives), I had a boot floppy ready and
restored the MBR w/o problems.  However I can't figure out how to
multiboot into it using LILO as my main boot manager.  Searching the
web produced some suggestions on adding linux into the W2K's boot
menu, but I would prefer to stick with lilo all the way.

Adding the following to lilo.conf:
| other = /dev/hda1
|   label = win
doesn't seem to cut it; I get an error message "Cannot find NTBF." or
some such, after which the only optoin is C-A-Del.

Is there a clean solution to this problem?  Will I have to reinstall
Win2K since I hosed its MBR?

Thanks for any pointers,
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

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