On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 05:37:49PM +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> "Ray Percival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If you have been using FreeBSD I would just get Debian and for the
> > same money you would spend on Storm get a good Debian book. Storm
> > hides to much to really learn from IMO.
> Maybe you could elucidate and tell us what exactly Storm Linux hides? I
> have used Debian through several versions and Storm Linux more recently.
> Storm adds a few features which make Linux easier for the beginner or
> someone who just prefers a GUI interface. It offers an easier install
> and adds a bit of gloss to Debian. It removes nothing of a standard
> Debian install - all the usual command line utilities are available. You
> could install Storm and pretend it was Debian and you would be none the
> wiser once you had removed the Storm icons from the stndard KDE or Gnome
> desktop.
> I appreciate that some Linux users prefer a more difficult install
> accompanied by a steep learning curve so if you are one of these you
> will not like Storm Linux ;-)

An advantage of a "steep learning curve" is two-fold.  Number one you get a 
nice confidence boost from the effort it took to learn something new and
challenging.  Second is you actually understand what the system is doing.
For example, if the average RH user's linuxconf no longer worked, could they
change their network from dhcp to static ip?  Could they modify their init
scripts?  Would they even know where to look?  This is why I've reconciled
myself to doing it the 'right' way (imo) and learning the underpinings of
the system instead of relying on tools.  Linux makes me feel ignorant enough,
there is no need to further it by blindly following a tool and not knowing
what it's doing to your system.

Now, on the other hand...if people simply do not care to learn the sytem and
want to be 'up-and-running quick' then RH and their tools are good.



> -- 
> Phillip Deackes
> Using Storm Linux
> -- 
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