On Wed, Jan 03, 1996 at 01:17:56AM +0530, Jeetu Golani wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a novice to Linux and Unix in general. I've installed Debian on
my system - a 133MHz Pentium with 32MB RAM and 2 Hard Disks with the
Linux Swap partition being 8 MB and the core Linux Partition being
484MB.I dont have an idea as to the Debian version however at boot up
the Linux version comes as 1.3.18. When I installed Linux it booted
correctly and it doesn't have any Windowing system on it. It has very
minimilistic software on it. I have Windows 95 and NT also on machine
and therefore boot Linux through Loadlin. It used to boot correctly
earlier and then for a prolonged period of time I hadn't booted into
Linux, however when I tried to boot into it now it reaches the point
where it says Loading Mouse Server: gpm, it then lets me type out
anything without any effect i.e. no action on any coomand or any other
sign of recognition of command, when I press Ctrl-Alt-Del it shuts
down as it would normally and reboots.  I'd appreciate some help in
solving this please.
> Thanks in advance for all the help.
> Bye

First, split your text across lines and paragraphs!

Well then. It's kernel 1.3 ??? So it's -really- old. It is currently
on 2.4. You should upgrade all your distribution to something
newer... let's say debian potato or woody.

The problem with gpm seems to be about your hardware... Have you
recently changed your mouse or connected it to any other port? If it's
the case, boot with a linux disk or from the cdrom and mount the linux
partition in any point:
      mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
(Supposing hda2 is your partition)
Then, disable the gpm daemon with:
      chmod -x /etc/init.d/gpm
And debian should boot now. If you don't have boot disks nor cdroms,
start the linux kernel with the '-s' option, that will boot single
user and let you do the second thing I tell you.

Another thing... about your swap... make it at least of 32 MB.


Juli-Manel Merino Vidal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Become a GNU! (http://www.gnu.org)
     Running Debian GNU/Linux woody

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