At 09:45 AM 9/14/00 -0400, you wrote:
Sorry to reply to myself, but I've come to the conclusion after further testing that my floppy drive is 100% busted and I'm not going to be able
        to do anything useful off it. I also can't (practically) replace it.


Go buy a new floppy drive - standard PC ones are $40 NZ (probably no more than $15 US)

However if this machine is a laptop a floppy will be expensive. I paid $450 NZ for a TI floppy drive last year. If this is the case, have you got a CD Rom drive that can boot? Or perhaps you can borrow a floppy drive for long enough to get things going. A friend here has a Toshiba Libretto with a PCMCIA floppy drive, perhaps that will boot in your machine.

Or as a last resort - use a 2.5" to 3.5" IDE adapter, take out the hard drive and boot it on a normal workstation.

Good luck !  (down with laptops)


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