Greetings Debians,

It's time I do scsi. I've wanted to for as long as I can remember but I've
always been a little chicken to dive into it.  Well no more.  I'd like some
recommendations from those of you on this list that use scsi.  Here is what
I am thinking about so far...


   Adaptec 2940U2W (with 2.4.0-test8 kernel) <- claims support in
                                                2.2x kernels so I assume 2.4
                                                will also

   Now I've looked at the scsi section in menuconfig and I cannot find any
   reference to any 2940 cards though's articles say that kernel 2.2
   you can use and compile the low-level drivers in.  What am I missing here
   that i cannot find them?

CD ROM/Burner

A Plextor RW PX-W12432Ti/SW <- a 12/4/32 (write/re-write/read) cdrom for
                               burning cd's and general cdrom usage


2 seagate ST39175LW  barricudda's which are 9.1Gb ultra2 wide scsi 7200 rpm
drives.  I was figuring one for linux and one for windows (gotta game fellas).

Any/all comments or suggestions to avoid "gotcha's" would be very much
appreciated.  Thanks for your time.  My intent here is to jump into as much
performance as I can "reasonably" afford.



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