Jimmy O'Regan wrote:
> I recently installed 2.2 on a machine, and X works fine, except the text
> is mangled. I installed task-gnome-desktop and gdm, switched to X, and
> everything was garbled, so then I installed xfs, xfonts-100dpi to see if
> that'd help. Same deal.
> Anyone got any ideas?

Does it look like this?

If so I'll bet you have an S3Virge video card and are using the SVGA server. 
If that's all correct, switch to the S3V X server.  That's what I did to
solve the font corruption problem.  Haven't had a problem since switching.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   | He that is slow to believe anything and
                      | everything is of great understanding,
'91 GS500E            | for belief in one false principle is the
Morgantown WV         | beginning of all unwisdom.

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