I'm having problems using sftp and gftp.  I can download one file, and
then the system behaves like sftp doesn't send back a signal that it's
done, so gftp says that the transfer is at 100%, but still in progress.
I'm using woody (development debian) openssh 2.2.0p1, sftp 0.9.5, and
gftp2.0.7b(the most current debian packages).  It's one of the coolest
systems that I use at work, and almost stuns my wee little brain with
its potential, I just don't know which program is at fault.  Has anybody
else had similar effects?

BTW, sftp works great from the command line, so that functions.  I have
ideas that it might just be somewhere with how the three talk to each

Just something to chew on for awhile

Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2250 Patterson #25 Eugene, OR 97405

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