On Thu, Oct 05, 2000 at 12:11:28PM +0200, Francois Fayard wrote:
> I've already tried this.
> Let me describe what I want:
>   All my mailboxes are under the directory /home/fayard/Mail/
>   When you type c, you have:
>     Open mailbox ('?' for list): ~/Mail/callig  (Your current mailbox)
>   And when you start to type a name, it changes into:
>     Open mailbox: d                         (if d is the first letter you 
> have typed)
>   What I want is to type debian-user to switch to the 
> /home/fayard/Mail/debian-user
>   mailbox, and I want automatic completion over all the mailboxes in 
> /home/fayard/Mail/.
>   I'm quite sure I had that on an old distibution, and I can't find anything 
> in the mutt
>   documentation.

ah thats easy:

Open mailbox: =d<tab>

notice the = that means automatically prefix it with ~/Mail

Ethan Benson

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