Johann Spies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Can somebody explain to me what setuid does?
>I have installed Debian 2.2 and copied my old home(~) directory on to the
>new installation.  The difference between the old home and the new one
>old: drwxr-xr-x
>new: drwxr-sr-x

That isn't setuid, it's setgid (set-group-id) - and it isn't really
related to your problem at all. The setgid bit on a directory causes all
files created in that directory to have the same group as the directory
by default.

>Now I can not as user run binaries situated in my own bin directory.
>I thought a setup like that would allow only me or users of my group
>to run binaries in my home directory.

That'll be determined by the ownership and permissions of the binaries
in question. My suspicion is that you created a new user with the same
name as your old one when you installed Debian, but weren't aware that
it's actually the *number* of the user id that matters, not the name; by
default, Red Hat-derived distributions start their numbering at 500,
while Debian-derived distributions start at 1000. You can either change
your user id's number in /etc/passwd (and run 'pwconv' if you're using
shadow passwords) or else use a combination of 'find' and 'xargs' to
change the ownership of all the files in your home directory.

If I'm right, then instead of seeing symbolic user names in the output
of 'ls -l ~', you'll see numeric user ids.

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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