At 05:02 AM 10/8/00 -0700, you wrote:
1) fsck during the boot sequence. I changed from a small root partition
to several partitions. Now when the machine boots, it runs fsck on the
former (and still) root partition, which passes, but the second time it
runs fsck (shortly thereafter) it tries to run fsck on both the
unmounted partitions *and* the root partition, then says "fsck failed
cuz the partition is mounted". I think my mtab and fstab are ok, but I'm
not sure what's happening here. I thought there was an option in the
secondary partition check that is supposed to make it skip over the root
partition, but it doesn't appear to be.

# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>                  <dump>  <pass>
/dev/hda1       /       ext2    defaults,errors=remount-ro      0       1

Check the last number on the line in /etc/fstab and make sure its a 1 for the root partition, and all the other automatically mounted partitions (home/usr/whatever) are 2 in the <pass> column.

BTW, /etc/mtab is for mounted filesystems, and thus shouldn't be edited by hand.

2) When I install and build a kernel, should /usr/include/linux/include
be a symlink to /usr/src/linux/include? cuz right now, it ain't.

Not on my potato boxen it isn't.

3) I built all my soundblaster modules (soundlow, sound, uart401, sb)
but how to make them load automagically? modules.conf says not to edit
i'm not sure what to do. Seems like such a simple thing, but...

man update-modules

ps: here are the mtab and fstab:
/dev/hda13      /               ext2 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hda10      none            swap sw                         0 0
proc            /proc           proc defaults                   0 0
/dev/hda1       /boot           ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda5       /usr            ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda6       /home           ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda7       /usr/local      ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda8       /cdimage        ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda9       /opt            ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda11      /tmp            ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda12      /var            ext2 defaults                   0 2
/dev/hda13      /               ext2 defaults                   0 2

You've got / listed twice doofus :)  remove the last line and it'll work fine.


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