Hi Tommi!

I put in a switch on the mount command to go to version 2. That did the trick, it mounts and I can see the directories from the command line (unfortunately, not the Finder, but that's another story :).

Many thanks,

--On Monday, October 9, 2000 2:24 pm +0300 Tommi Komulainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, Oct 09, 2000 at 01:11:17PM +0200, Jason Quigley wrote:
I am trying to set up an NFS share from my Debian server to allow a test
system  (Mac OS X) to access it. When I try to mount from the client machine
I get:

The server's syslog has:
Oct  9 13:07:35 cubeship kernel: svc: unknown version (3)

Well, this says that the client tried to use NFSv3 while your server
supports only NFSv2. So you have two choices, either make the client use
NFSv2 also or update the server for NFSv3. I don't know about the
latter, but the former can be done (well, at least on linux) with

    mount -o nfsvers=2,ro

That 'nfsvers' option will be propably different, check your Mac
manpages or equivalent. On Solaris something the correct parameter was
avoid_version=3, IIRC.

Tommi Komulainen                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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