
I am trying to partition a 10 GB IDE hard disk using the cfdisk that
starts up during the debian 2.1 (slink) install.

The problem is, cfdisk thinks the drive is only 8 GB. I've tried
<Alt><F2> into another console and then fdisk's "o" command to reset the
MBR, followed by "w". When I reboot and restart cfdisk, it still says
there are only 8 GB available.

If I use partition magic, I can create the partitions as I want them,
but then, when I reboot and start the install, cfdisk says the MBR is
corrupted "FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition."

Any suggestions? I tried using just fdisk, BTW, but it also thinks there
are only 8 GB on the disk.

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
"<TAG name="windoze" action="bash"></tag>"

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