* Matthias Mann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001012 21:39]:
> Hi linuxuser!
> I had installed Debian 2.2r0 potato. First the basesystem and all packages
> of the directorys Imp and Std. Next i installed the X Window system Netscape
> and isdnutils. I think the ISDN-card is working cause i had a connection of
> one second by typing isdnctrl dial ippp0 on consiole. Isdnlog made this
> message. If i now start netscape there is a message like netscape is unable
> to locate the server ....... And there is another window wirh a reference to
> the environmentvariable SOCKS_NS. I´m sorry, but i don´t understand  this
> text. Must i set this variable to use netscape as normal user? And if yes,
> what is the content of SOCKS_NS? Is there any other that i had forget to do?
> Thanx, have a nice day
> -- 
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Hi Matthias,
here are my hints to help you solving your problem:
1. Open a root terminal
2. Enter the command 'tail- f /var/log/syslog'
  This shows you if your isdn connenction works (and other stuff)
3. You must enter a reasonable value for the nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf 
(for more
  check out 'man resolv.conf'). Your ISP should have given you a value for this.
4. Do you use pap-access-control ? This doesn't make it easier :-(. Than you 
need to
  edit the /etc/ppp/pap-secret file. The designated user in this file must 
  with the value in the file /etc/isdn/ipppd.ippp0
5. A good place for more help is www.suse.de. There is a support database.

Good luck

Matthias Mueller +49 30 449 80 68

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