On Mon, Oct 16, 2000 at 10:24:35AM -0700, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
> I feel a little silly asking this question, but...
> I've a few machines running Debian at work. Some were installed from the
> start recently with potato and some have been around a while and were
> slink machines that have since been updated to potato. I notice that in
> the older machines, on the Panel in the right corner is a time and date
> display. On the new machines installed from scratch with potato, there is
> only a time display. There doesn't seem to be any way that I've found in
> the KDE configuration to enable the date display. I've looked in the KDE
> docs, the KDE configuration and even done a recursive directory comparison
> with emacs on the two .kde directories, but I've found nothing to indicate
> how the date display is enabled again. 
> Does anyone know how to get the date display back, or what is going on
> here?
> Thanks...
Reduce the font size of the time/date display.  It should
then show both.
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