On Tue, 17 Oct 2000, Thomas Halahan wrote:

> I am trying to determine an easy alias or sh script that will list
> only the directories in a directory.  It should have similar
> functionality to the ls command.  E.g.
> [tom]$ lsd ~

Try this one:


if [ $1 ]; then
    find $1 -maxdepth 1 -type d
    find $PWD -maxdepth 1 -type d

         Timo<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   .'o oOOOo`.      | Timo Benk 
  ;~~~-.oOo   o`.   | Germany
   `. \ ~-.  oOOo.  | Fax/Voicemail:    +49891488214215
     `.; / ~.  OO:  | 
     .'  ;-- `.o.'  | 
    ,' ; ~~--'~     | [ASCII stolen from Mescalito Ted]
    ;  ;            |  

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