Prof. Le Baron O. Ferguson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Trying to do an install from the CDROM for v. 5.3 of MATLAB I can
> not
> get started. I get an error message:
>       can't load library ''
> I find this library at /usr/X11R6/lib/ I put a link to it
> in /usr/X11R6 but that did not help.
> I would appreciate any suggestions as to what to try next.

I don't know if this is the problem, but there are two packages which
provide libXt --- I think!!!

There is xlib6g which is the usual one that is installed --- it is for
libc6.  Then there is xlib6 (without the g) which is found in section
"oldlibs" and is for libc5.  Now I could be wrong, but I think Matlab
might be libc5 based, in which case you will need to install xlib6.
(You can have both xlib6g and xlib6 installed I believe.)

I'm no expert, so no guarentees this will work, but it's the best I
can think of.



____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

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