Sure you can.  Here's mine:

MAILPATH='/home/rino/Mail/IN.debian-user?Mail has arrived for
debian-user':'/var/mail/rino?Mail has arrived'

Be vewy careful about the tick marks as it is very confusing.  By default,
your mails are checked when you login and then every sixty seconds.

who watches the watchmen?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Brashears" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 4:39 AM
Subject: Console new mail notification

> I'm running debian stable, and I've set up procmail to filter messages
into appropriate mailboxes.
> However, now that almost all mail is filtered into /home/gila/Mail, none
of it winds up in /var/... so console mail notification doesn't work
> Is there any way to configure bash to check in different directories for
> --
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