On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Alvin Smith wrote:

> Thanks.  I printed out and read those last week.  I am having problems
> compiling the programs that come in the sb1000-1.1.2.tar.  All of the
> instructions seem to be for older kernels without cablemodem support.  From
> what I was able to gather, potato has support for cm in the kernel.  Is that
> why I am getting compiler errors?

Well, I know that in my case, all I had to do was tell the kernel that I
wanted to use the tulip driver. I then gave it my networking information and
everything has just worked.

Granted, this was for a fresh Debian install, so adding CM service 'on the
fly' is liable to be a little different.  I can't imagine that it would be
much different though.

Good luck!

Stephen W. Juranich                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical Engineering         http://students.washington.edu/sjuranic
University of Washington             http://rcs.ee.washington.edu/ssli

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