I have just bought a secondhand S3 Virge/DX card (Eagle brand).  I've
used XF86Setup to get a roughly working XF86Config file, but I think I
should be able to do better.  Here's what I can get so far:

1024x768 24bits --- seems to work fine

1152x864 24bits --- works, but some "speckle lines" appearing, ie little
    horizontal line segments flash on briefly when moving the mouse in 
    netscape and also some other times like the helix gnome startup picture.
    *** Refresh rate is very low --- about 63Hz vertical.
1152x864 16bits --- gets rid of the "speckle lines".  Refresh rate is still
    very low!

1280x1024 24bits --- server dies
1280x1024 16bits --- it works, refresh rate is huge --- 89Hz horizontal.  But
    it still seems to flicker up and down --- or perhaps "wobble up and down"
    is how to describe it? --- my guess is that the monitor is
    struggling with this resolution???  Also, when I start the Xserver, it
    seems to go out of kilter, and I have to readjust my digital monitor 
    settings to fix it.  It sounds like my monitor is struggling with this
    resolution??  It is rated 50-90 vertical.

I would be happy with 1152x864 as a resolution, but the refresh rate
is very low.  It seems the clock used is determined for you by S3???
I should be able to get a clock rate of at least 70Hz horizontal.  And
what's the deal with the "speckle lines"?



____/~~\_____/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        "They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!" 

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