On Sun, Oct 29, 2000 at 11:50:18PM +0000, sena wrote:

> I heard that Jonathan Markevich wrote this on 29/10/00:
> > However, writing one in C proved to be simple, and an afternoon's worth
> > of fun. 
> >
> --(snip - false.c)--
>       int main() { return 1; }
> --(snip - false.c)--
> 10 seconds writing plus 3 minutes worth of fun is more like it... :)

YOU *may* or may not have caught the subtle (and weak) humor.  Of course
you've gone and re-invented my "wheel".  Whatever happened to OOP?  :)

Only 3 minutes of fun?  Disappointing.  You've gone and blown the rest of
the afternoon.  Read through it, make it funnier.  Imagine it in Perl.  Or
Befunge.  Or my favorite, Rube.  (extra points if you use the "weasel" -- I
believe it's all on www.catseye.mb.ca...)  Actually, this may be more of an
appropriate job for the language FALSE.  Should we set up a sourceforge
project for this?
> > Oh writing it sure didn't take all afternoon, but the fun did.  My current
> > /bin/false is a compiled ELF file, and I don't really know if it's mine or
> > Potato's (it's been a long time).
> > 
> Potato's /bin/false has "a378dbf982c7694b173cd87ecc8463f1" md5sum.

32 bytes, huh?  24 for your source above (with spaces).  Might as well
compile it yourself.

Oh well, I'll let you think of it.  I've got a bash script that's a barrel
of laughs right now, gotta go.

Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
== It's VIRUSES, not VIRII!  See http://language.perl.com/misc/virus.html ==

Campus sidewalks never exist as the straightest line between two points.
                -- M. M. Johnston

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