At 12:23 PM 11/2/00 -0700, you wrote:
> Its not exactly a Debian/Linux question, but does anyone know how many
> email addresses are on the world's largest mailing list, and the OS/HW
> it runs on? Average messages per day?

Well, I can tell you that the list server has 80000 subscribers
to all of it's lists. The largest list is debian-announce with 14

The total traffic we do is on the order of 500000 remote deliveries per
day, with peak traffic rates of 30-40 remote deliveries per second.

Till recently it was running on an older P166 with IDE disks, now it has a
PII 400. It runs Debian GNU/Linux and qmail with smartlist (bleck).

My Devil's Advocate is whispering in my ear.....

I'd be very worried if it wasn't a debian-based machine!

I wonder if there are any major linux "vendors" who don't use their own distros for internal use.... I once visited the machine room of a large local power company who was thoroughly in bed with Compaq. They had 20-odd proliant servers, and their NT-based office network PDC was a HP E70 (?)


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