It's not all that hard... I went through this last night.

Ok, I have my ttf fonts in /usr/share/lib/fonts/truetype.  I created a
symlink /usr/lib/X11/fonts/truetype to match the other font paths, and added
that to my fontpath list in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.  I then went there and
used ttmkfdir to create the fonts.dir file that the freetype module is
looking for.  Restarted X, and I had instant TrueType!

It really is just that simple.  I had zero luck getting xfstt to cooperate
with XF4, and had all sorts of weird font-isms until I disabled it.  Aterm
would display hash instead of line-drawing characters, rxvt wouldn't even
START, Eterm would start, but not display the menus properly, etc.

Of course, whoever it is at XFree86 that wrote README.fonts needs to be
shot.  With large-caliber weapons.

You can get ttmkfdir at

Have fun!

Marc Wilson

 -----Original Message-----
From:   John S. J. Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Saturday, November 04, 2000 10:31 AM
Subject:        Re: XFree86 4.0.1 and TrueType fonts

Hash: SHA1

wulfie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ttmkfdir in the ttf dir :) Add the path to your fonts section in
> XF86Config, freetype to the modules section (you already did both, it
> seems) & you're there.

What's the exact path to ttmkfdir on your box? I don't seem to have
it, nor do I have a ttf dir -- at least, 'locate /ttf/' doesn't
produce anything. I've got freetype in the modules section, and I've
got the path to the TrueType font directory as a FontPath, but I don't
get any TrueType fonts available in various font selection dialogs,
and nothing at all in the ttf foundry (which is where all the fonts
ended up when using xfstt).

Any other advice on where to start digging for this info? Most of the
web (including my own site, sadly enough) doesn't look all that great
in GUI browsers without the 'standard' fonts...


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