At 05:54 PM 11/12/00 -0500, you wrote:
I've got one here on my vintage 1993 486/33, I've unplugged
the fan on it coz it was noisy and I'm too lazy to go to the
basement, hunt for a voltmeter, soldering iron, and play the
old 12->7V conversion game again. So I'm wondering what are
the chances it'll melt down, burn out, overheat? Cause a fire?

Have you considered replacing the fan? after 7 years its probably a little worn, and a new ball bearing fan shouldn't be too expensive.

Otherwise cleaning the dust and fluff might help. Made my old sun 3/50 barely audible (thats what 13 years of crud does to a fan.)

On a couple machines I ended up replacing the punched metal finger guard with a wire one... more air gets through. I powered off the machine and removed all the components (Don't trust metal filings in cases, and don't trust a vacuum to pick them all up) then cut off the grille, then drilled four holes for the wire fan grille which I'd salvaged from an XT I think.

Some people have suggested putting the PSU outside the case with no fan - I don't like this cos its messy, and you'd probably need to lengthen all your cables. Thats too much like hard work!

                        But one important thing - its just a 486!

I have a dozen at work that I use to hold up an old door - makes a most excellent table. If it does die badly then just go find another one or two.

There's not too much power-hungry gear in this machine, the
hard drive spins down and the monitor blanks, the cpu doesn't
have a fan, etc.

The monitor doesn't use power from the PSU... the power output socket is simply switched from the front in most 486s. (some had a jumper lead which could shut off the monitor power socket if the video card or motherboard supported it - power saving before VESA and DPMS.)

Never underestimate the power of a massively huge heatsink. If you find a totally mofo heatsink (you'd know one when you see it) then grab it and use that somewhere.

I'm hoping there's a relationship between
power drawn from the P/S and heat generated,
anybody confirm this?

Yes - but its not linear... halve the current drawn and heat output would drop by about 5 to 10 %


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